Future of Technologies Series Debates – R.I.P. I.C.E.?

Add to Calendar 2016-11-14 13:00 2016-11-14 18:00 Europe/London Future of Technologies Series Debates – R.I.P. I.C.E.?

Join the Advanced Propulsion Centre for a lively debate at the Royal Institution on 14 November, where a panel of industry experts will offer differing visions of the future – and argue that their technology has the power to let the internal combustion engine (I.C.E.) rest in peace.

Date:14 Nov 2016
Time:13:00 - 18:00
Website:Visit website
Full Address:

The Royal Institute, 21 Albemarle Street, London


Join the Advanced Propulsion Centre for a lively debate at the Royal Institution on 14 November, where a panel of industry experts will offer differing visions of the future – and argue that their technology has the power to let the internal combustion engine (I.C.E.) rest in peace.

Having been our preferred propulsion solution for over 130 years, the Internal Combustion Engine is an incredible feat of engineering.

Continually optimised over all of that time, a modern I.C.E. is: Robust enough to last for 20 years or more; scalable to work perfectly in the smallest scooter or a 300 tonne load carrying quarry truck; compact and easy to refuel with a range in excess of 600 miles, and able to be cost effectively manufactured in the millions – yet it seems extinction is just around the corner….or is it???

With the ever increasing pressure to reduce global warming and improve air quality there is an on-going drive towards electrification, but do battery or fuel cell electric vehicles really work in all modes of driving?…will the local energy mix influence the effectiveness of going EV?…can large trucks and commercial vehicles really run on batteries?…If not then the I.C.E. may still be with us for some time to come.

Hear a panel of world experts discuss their vision of the future for I.C.E. and debate the likely outcomes at the world famous Royal Institution lecture theatre where Michael Faraday first demonstrated the electric motor.

This free event is open to all interested in both the debate and helping shape the future. Booking details can be found here.

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