European Electric Vehicle Congress

Add to Calendar 2011-10-26 08:00 2011-10-28 18:30 Europe/London European Electric Vehicle Congress

The European Electric Vehicle Congress which will take place in Brussels on 26-28 October is now open for bookings. The event includes plenary sessions and round-tables, a scientific forum and exhibitions.

Date:26 Oct 2011 - 28 Oct 2011
Time:08:00 - 18:30
Website:Visit website


The European Electric Vehicle Congress which will take place in Brussels on 26-28 October is now open for bookings. The event includes plenary sessions and round-tables, a scientific forum and exhibitions.

At the opening plenary session, keynote speeches will be delivered by premier actors in the field (EU Authorities, ACEA), EUROBAT, CLEPA, EURELECTRIC, EARPA, UN, California, US & Asiatic perspectives).

Special attention will be paid to the actions undertaken under the European Green Cars Initiative Public Private Partnership by the European Commission. A special focus will be on ERTRAC, EPoSS and SmartGrids as well as to the current EU related projects

The round tables will cover:

- the state of progress of different technologies

- the worldwide situation and hurdles for transposition

- the global context

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