Date:08 Dec 2016
Time:09:30 - 16:30
Website:Visit website
Location:Empa, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Full Address:
Empa, Dübendorf, Überlandstrasse 129, AKADEMIE, Switzerland
The environmental impact of transport within Europe is increasing due to increased mobility of people and goods. Products for example can be designed in one country, manufactured in another and sold in all European countries while people can live and work in any Member State of the EU. To reduce this environmental impact, the Ecovehicle project is developing the concept of road and rail vehicles with a low environmental footprint and aiming to define a classification for vehicles in order to promote those that are environmentally friendly.
In a series of workshops with stakeholders, the major environmental impacts have been identified and reviewed. These are:
– fuel consumption
– carbon dioxide emissions
– damage to the pavement or track
– audible noise
It is proposed to capture this vehicle information in an EU-type label building on the ideas that were developed for the EU tyre label which has resulted in manufacturers developing and making available low noise tyres.
By bringing all the major impacts together on a label, it will enable the manufacturer to promote the concept of environmentally friendly vehicles. It could also provide a basis for applying road usage or track access charges and for internalising some of the external costs currently carried by society.
In this 8th and final workshop of this phase of the project, partners will discuss each of the various impacts and suggest how these could be classified on a label. Stakeholders such as vehicle manufacturers, component supplies and representatives from Brussels and the relevant Swiss Federal Authorities have been invited to comment on this initiative and how this concept could be taken forward and trialled.
Ecovehicle is an accredited European collaborative project within the Eureka Research and Development framework.
Participation is invited from other interested stakeholders with adequate time for discussion. There is no participation fee, but intending participants should register their interest with Lily Poulikakos, Empa