Electric Vehicle Summit 2014

Add to Calendar 2014-09-16 09:00 2014-09-16 16:40 Europe/London Electric Vehicle Summit 2014

The Electric Vehicle Summit provides a platform for knowledge sharing between the automotive sector, government and academia to share knowledge about the development of the EV Sector in Surrey. Transport Minister Baroness Kramer will give the keynote address. 

University of Surrey
Date:16 Sep 2014
Time:09:00 - 16:40
Website:Visit website
Location:University of Surrey
Full Address:

University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH

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The Electric Vehicle Summit provides a platform for knowledge sharing between the automotive sector, government and academia to share knowledge about the development of the EV Sector in Surrey. Transport Minister Baroness Kramer will give the keynote address. 

At the Summit, Surrey County Council will facilitate a senior level discussion about the sector's potential, and opportunities for growth, which will include contributions from government, policy makers and academics.

There will also be the opportunity to discuss key trends and developments in funding, technology, innovation and application.

The Electric Vehicle Summit will be hosted by Surrey University and will be chaired by Professor Matthew Leach, Professor of Energy and Environmental Systems at the University of Surrey

Delegates will leave with a fuller understanding of the EV sector in Surrey, including investment, technical challenges and the latest cutting edge research in materials and propulsion systems.

The ambition is to use this event to establish a Surrey EV Network which would provide a focus for future collaboration between the key partners.

The full programme is available here: http://landor.co.uk/evsummit/programme.php 

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