EIC National Conference 2009 - Future Policy Risks and Opportunities for the UK’s Environmental Industry: Anticipating UK and EU Policy

Add to Calendar 2009-12-08 2009-12-08 Europe/London EIC National Conference 2009 - Future Policy Risks and Opportunities for the UK’s Environmental Industry: Anticipating UK and EU Policy EIC’s conference will provide an analysis of current and future UK and EU environmental policy, with high-level policy makers and regulators guiding delegates through the future for land, water, air, waste, energy and climate change policy – and how it will affect every sector of the economy. Speakers include Dan Farron, Environment Minister, Nick Herbert, Shadow Environment Secretary and Tim Farron, LibDem Environment Spokesman. Cavendish Conference Centre, London W1
Date:08 Dec 2009
Website:Visit website
Contact:Clifford Harris or Laura Blizzard
Location:Cavendish Conference Centre, London W1


EIC’s conference will provide an analysis of current and future UK and EU environmental policy, with high-level policy makers and regulators guiding delegates through the future for land, water, air, waste, energy and climate change policy – and how it will affect every sector of the economy. Speakers include Dan Farron, Environment Minister, Nick Herbert, Shadow Environment Secretary and Tim Farron, LibDem Environment spokesman.

Delegates will also hear expert advice from business leaders on how to exploit new business opportunities these policies will create; how to access environmental finance and how export technologies and services abroad.

Conference fees
Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are available for companies wishing to be associated with this high profile event. For more information contact Clifford Harris at EIC on 0207 935 1683 or clifford.harris@eic-uk.co.uk

There is a 10% discount for LowCVP members. Please quote LOWCVP10 when booking online.

See adjacent link to conference flyer for further information.

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