Developing low emission transport in the UK: infrastructure, investment, and next steps for innovation

Add to Calendar 2015-12-08 9.00 2015-12-0813.00 Europe/London Developing low emission transport in the UK: infrastructure, investment, and next steps for innovation

This seminar will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the development of low emission transport in the UK. It will follow the announcement of the winners of the Go Ultra Low City Scheme in autumn 2015. The LowCVP's Managing Director, Andy Eastlake, is among the speakers.

Central London
Date:08 Dec 2015
Website:Visit website
Location:Central London
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This seminar will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the development of low emission transport in the UK. It will follow the announcement of the winners of the Go Ultra Low City Scheme in autumn 2015. The LowCVP's Managing Director, Andy Eastlake, is among the speakers.

Delegates will assess technological design and innovation in the electric vehicle market, and look at the next generation of hybrid vehicles, as well as the role of alternative fuels in the low emission arena and progress towards educating drivers on fuel-efficient driving habits. They will also examine the ability of electricity networks, the strategic road network, and the automotive manufacturing sectors to adapt to an uptake of LEVs, as well as skills issues.

Further planned sessions focus on investment; consumer and business engagement in take-up of LEVs; and what other transport sectors, including aviation and shipping, are doing to reduce emissions. 

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