Date:06 Mar 2023 - 10 Mar 2023
Time:Various times
Website:Visit website
Decarbonising Transport Week (6-10 March, 2023) is the first in what will be a series of annual events which will highlight the solutions that will be used to deliver the biggest gains in our transition to a low carbon transport network.
It aims to deliver insight and commentary for the whole ecosystem of people and organisations involved with decarbonising transport from fleet owners looking to decarbonise their business operations to public transport operators looking to decarbonise our urban and rural spaces, and from investors to policy influencers.
The organisers invite you to join them on the journey and enjoy multiple free-to-attend webinars during the week and gain exclusive insight from peers, innovators, and policy experts. Learn about technologies and projects today, and trial projects for future innovations and so much more.
Decarbonising Transport Week is supported by over a dozen partners including the Association for Consultancy and Engineering, Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association, BVRLA, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Energy Research Accelerator, Environmental Industries Commission, EV Energy Taskforce, HS2, HyDEX, Innovate UK KTN, Rail Forum, Rail Freight Group, Railway Industry Association and Zemo Partnership.
Decarbonising Transport Week will play host to over 20 free-to-attend live and on-demand webinars where you can gain exclusive insight from peers, innovators, policy experts, and other critical stakeholders. See the website for more information.
Zemo Partnership is a supporter of Decarbonising Transport Week.