Cenex 4th Annual Low Carbon Vehicle Event

Add to Calendar 2011-09-07 2011-09-08 Europe/London Cenex 4th Annual Low Carbon Vehicle Event Cenex will host its 4th annual Low Carbon Vehicle event on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th September 2011 at Rockingham Motor Speedway. The event will host a large exhibition, a conference and technical seminar programme, a 'ride and drive' and structured meeting and networking opportunities. Rockingham Motor Speedway
Date:07 Sep 2011 - 08 Sep 2011
Website:Visit website
Location:Rockingham Motor Speedway
Full Address:Rockingham Motor Speedway, Corby, Northamptonshire.


Cenex will host its 4th annual Low Carbon Vehicle event on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th September 2011 at Rockingham Motor Speedway. The event will host a large exhibition, a conference and technical seminar programme, a 'ride and drive' and structured meeting and networking opportunities.

LCV aims to help promote a strong industry-led economic recovery by bringing together the key automotive industry stakeholders to showcase their capabilities in the field of low carbon vehicles and fleet carbon reduction and by stimulating market demand through building fleet operator and consumer awareness and confidence in accessible or near market products for future procurement.

Exhibitors and visitors are expected from amongst vehicle manufactures, the low carbon vehicle supply chain, lightweight vehicle structure producers, high efficiency internal combustion engine and power-train developers,, high technology manufacturing providers, alternative fuel manufacturers, infrastructure providers, low carbon vehicle technology providers, public and private fleet operators and early adopters, research organisations and academia. Exhibitors and delegates will be joined by regional, national and international policy-makers in a wide-ranging B2B event.

Expectations are that 3000+ participants will attend LCV over the 2 days of the event.

For more information, visit the event website.

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