Carbon Reduction 2011: The Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

Add to Calendar 2011-11-29 09:20 2011-11-29 16:40 Europe/London Carbon Reduction 2011: The Transition to a Low Carbon Economy Carbon Reduction 2011 is Govtoday’s Annual Summit which focuses on the UK’s overall progress against its climate change targets.This year it focuses on the latest government schemes and policies designed to drive the UK economy towards a lower carbon energy future; by increasing resource efficiency, reducing waste and through embedding sustainable practices. The Brewery, Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SD
Date:29 Nov 2011
Time:09:20 - 16:40
Website:Visit website
Location:The Brewery, Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SD


Carbon Reduction 2011 is Govtoday’s Annual Summit which focuses on the UK’s overall progress against its climate change targets.This year it focuses on the latest government schemes and policies designed to drive the UK economy towards a lower carbon energy future; by increasing resource efficiency, reducing waste and through embedding sustainable practices.

The Govtoday Conference series ‘Securing the Future’ has examined the Government’s Sustainable Development strategy across different community sectors - a remit taking into account social, environmental and economic development and how this links with impacts on current Government policy.

Carbon Reduction 2011: The Transition to a Low Carbon Economy Summit will aim to provide a unique insight into current national and international policy on tackling the long-term effects of climate change and provide some solutions for delivering the UK’s carbon reduction strategy over the next five years. The Summit will bring together those individuals and key stakeholders charged with delivering on this agenda in the UK to provide both an update on Government strategy and industry analysis on the practicalities of achieving the target to realise the UK’s carbon reduction targets of 34 per cent by 2020, and 80 per cent by 2050.

Speakers include:

- Dr David Kennedy, Climate Change Committee
- Julian Feasby, Environment Agency
- Dr Benny Peiser, The Global Warming Policy Foundation
- Stefaan Vergote, European Commission

*Special rates for LowCVP Members*

LowCVP members receive special discounts: stakeholders from the public sector can come along for free with private sector members receiving discounts of 30% per ticket or 50% if booking more than one place.

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