Biofuels: the 2020 targets, ILUC and looking forward to 2030

Add to Calendar 2014-02-13 08.30 2014-02-1313.00 Europe/London Biofuels: the 2020 targets, ILUC and looking forward to 2030

In the context of the EU's 2020 Directive for 10% of all energy used in transport to be derived from renewable sources, sessions will assess the continued viability of the UK's delivery strategy, particularly in relation to the potential impact of EU ILUC (indirect land use change) proposals - with the European Parliament's Environment Committee having voted to limit the supply of first generation biofuels. Baroness Kramer, Minister of State, Department for Transport and Ian O'Gara, Bioenergy Lead, Accenture will deliver a keynote addresses at this seminar.

Central London
Date:13 Feb 2014
Website:Visit website
Location:Central London


In the context of the EU's 2020 Directive for 10% of all energy used in transport to be derived from renewable sources, sessions will assess the continued viability of the UK's delivery strategy, particularly in relation to the potential impact of EU ILUC (indirect land use change) proposals - with the European Parliament's Environment Committee having voted to limit the supply of first generation biofuels.

Delegates will also discuss current EU work geared at issuing new Directives for 2030 - including discussion on new EU renewable energy targets for this period, if and how biofuels should be included and what a new UK strategy to replace the RTFO (Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation) might look like. The expected growth in the use of second generation biofuels, as those types classified as first generation lose subsidies after 2020, and their contribution in meeting any new targets will also be discussed.

Baroness Kramer, Minister of State, Department for Transport and Ian O'Gara, Bioenergy Lead, Accenture will deliver a keynote addresses at this seminar.

Further confirmed speakers include:
- Sacha Alberici, Consultant, Ecofys;
- Paul Bennett, Chief Technology Officer, TMO Group;
- Jean-Pascal Boutin, Partner, Eversheds;
- Jonathon Counsell, Chair, Sustainable Aviation;
- Ian O'Gara, Bioenergy Lead, Accenture;
- Professor Pat Harvey, Professor of Biochemistry and Head of Bioenergy Research, University of Greenwich;
- Justin Laney, Fleet Manager, John Lewis Partnership;
- Patrick Lynch, Biofuel Sustainability Manager, Greenergy;
- Patrick Mocatta, Chairman, Gasrec;
- Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist and Policy Director, Greenpeace UK;
- Rob Vierhout, Secretary General, ePURE and
- Clare Wenner, Head of Renewable Transport, REA.

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