The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership is collaborating in a one-day policy conference to examine the environmental implications of introducing biofuels into the road transport sector.
Transport minister Dr Stephen Ladyman will give a keynote presentation. Other confirmed speakers include former environment secretary John Gummer (appointed by David Cameron to chair the Conservatives environment policy review), Dr Jeremy Woods (Imperial College), Christophe Bourillion (Iogen), Sean Sutcliffe (Biofuels Corporation), Karl Carter (British Sugar), Ian Waller (Petroplus), John Seymour (North East Biofuels), Simon Barnes (SMMT), Ausilio Bauen (ICEPT, Imperial College).
The conference organisers, Waterfront, are offering number of discounted places at a rate of £250 + VAT to members of the LowCVP.
The event will be chaired by Greg Archer, the LowCVP Director.
For full conference and booking details follow the link (or download attachment) below.