All-Party Parliamentary Renewable Transport Fuels Group Meeting

Add to Calendar 2009-10-27 4:00 2009-10-27 6;00pm Europe/London All-Party Parliamentary Renewable Transport Fuels Group Meeting The next meeting of All-Party Parliamentary Renewable Transport Fuels Group hosted by Paddy Tipping MP  is scheduled for 4pm on 27th October. Sadiq Kahn MP, Transport Minister, will be the VIP guest and will be joining the meeting to discuss the Government’s new Carbon Reduction Strategy for Transport. Committee Room 18, House of Commons
Date:27 Oct 2009
Time:4:00 - 6;00pm or 0207 935 1675.
Location:Committee Room 18, House of Commons
Full Address:House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA


The next meeting of All-Party Parliamentary Renewable Transport Fuels Group hosted by Paddy Tipping MP is scheduled for 4pm on 27th October. Sadiq Kahn MP, Transport Minister, will be the VIP guest and will be joining the meeting to discuss the Government’s new Carbon Reduction Strategy for Transport (see below).

A Carbon Reduction Strategy for Transport

The Government’s new Low Carbon Transition Plan, which sets out how the Government will meet the first 3 five-yearly Carbon Budgets under the Climate Change Act, states that the Government will reduce transport emissions by 14 per cent on 2008 levels as part of meeting the first 3 five-yearly carbon budgets. For more information, click here

The Carbon Reduction Strategy for Transport sets out how this will be achieved as part of a long-term goal of developing an integrated low carbon transport network across the UK. The Government will publish a further strategy in spring 2010 setting out the Government’s delivery milestones and how it will monitor implementation.

As part of reducing transport emissions by 14 per cent on 2008 levels, the Government will have to meet a binding EU target for 10 per cent of all transport fuels to come from renewable sources by 2020, which is included in the EU Renewable Energy Directive. The Carbon Reduction Strategy for Transport does not include any new announcements on meeting this target but states that the Government will set out its strategy for meeting the biofuels targets in a National Action Plan by June 2010. A consultation on proposals for meeting the biofuels targets is expected by the end of 2009.

The APRTF Group

The role of the All-Party Group is to provide a forum for Parliamentarians and other interested parties to have an informed discussion on the role of all renewable transport fuels, including hydrogen, electric vehicles and biofuels, in tackling carbon emissions from transport - and the UK and EU policy framework that is needed to support these fuels.

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