Member Details


22 Great Victoria Street
United Kingdom

Switchboard: 02890354414

Sector: Transport operators and consumer organisations

Translink understands the immediate dangers that we face from poor air quality and global warming and recognise our responsibility, as the major public transport operator in Northern Ireland, to take a lead role in addressing those issues. We are constantly striving to improve the Public transport offering with a view to making Translink the "First Choice for Travel" in Northern Ireland.

We passionately believe that with the right transport offer we can effect modal shift and reduce both the company's and Northern Ireland's harmful emissions. To this end we are proposing a shift to an emissions free fleet by 2040 but recognise the challenges to doing so in terms of technology readiness, financial cost, infrastructure compatibility and the car culture that exists in Northern Ireland. We believe that working with like minded colleagues the solutions to these challenges will be more readily achievable.

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