LowCVP News, 31 July 2020, Issue 191 |
LowCVP News
LowCVP's first online Annual Conference attracts 700 delegates; avoids over 120,000 travel miles
LowCVP's 2020 Annual Conference, 'Reset 2020', which took place online on July 15, was attended by over 700 delegates. The event included a keynote speech by the Transport Secretary Grant Shapps as well as contributions from a wide range of leading transport and environment stakeholders. It enabled opportunities for delegates to visit exhibitions, 'speed network' and interact in speaker sessions through polls and Q&As. Based on the feedback survey over 120,000 delegate miles were avoided compared with a London-based physical event. Conference resources and recordings are now available.
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Reports & Studies
Report advocates investment in Electric Road System to decarbonise HGVs
A report written for the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight (CSRF) and funded by EPSRC says that an 'Electric Road System' is the primary candidate to deliver the energy needed by the UK’s long-distance HGV fleet for zero emissions solutions. Following the downturn due to the Covid-19 crisis, CSRF says that such a system presents an opportunity to stimulate investment and jobs, while aligning the twin goals of electrifying our major roads to quickly and cost-effectively decarbonise HGVs.
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LowCVP webinars showcase solutions for low emissions freight
LowCVP has held two webinars to disseminate the key outcomes from the Low Emissions Freight and Logistics Trials (LEFT). On behalf of Innovate UK and OLEV, the webinars showcased the results from independent vehicle testing and in-service operational learnings from companies participating in the trials. Resources from the webinars (slide decks and webinar recordings) are now available to LowCVP members.
Policy Developments
GF100 Most Influential 2020 - 27/08/2020
The GF100 is GreenFleet's pick of the most influential people that have shaped the zero and ultra-low emission fleet industry over the previous year. ‘The 100’ is a mix of fleet managers, vehicle manufacturers, government figures, campaigners and company bosses that have all done something to make a positive impact on the industry. LowCVP Chair Philip Sellwood CBE will be speaking at the event.
EV Infrastructure Summit - 07/10/2020
The second edition of the EV Infrastructure Summit (25-26 March) will focus on the opportunities and challenges involved in establishing a UK-wide charging infrastructure as part of the transition to zero emission vehicles. There are discounts on delegate fees for LowCVP members.
Net Zero Festival - 30/09/2020
The world has changed. And yet, the 21st century's biggest long term threat and greatest economic opportunity remains constant: the climate crisis and our collective response. We cannot let the COVID-19 pandemic derail the net zero transition.
GreenFleet Scotland - 13/08/2020
GREENFLEET Scotland is a free-to-attend online event, for professionals looking to explore the very latest in ultra-low emission vehicle technology, charging, sustainability and strategy.
Upcoming LowCVP Activities
LowCVP Working Group Meetings
For the duraton of the COVID-19 Lockdwn, LowCVP still intent to hold regular meetings of our various workgroups online using Microsoft Teams.
Standard agenda items will include:
- Government Updates
- 2020/21 Work Programme Update
- Guest Presentation
Details for each working group's activites are
published here
Key Dates:
- Transport Decarbonisation Plan: Low Carbon Fuels - 10 Aug
Role of Hydrogen in Zero Emission Transport -
12 Aug
Click Here To Register for our upcoming events
If you would like to take part in this important work to decarbonise road transport during this crucial time, please consider
joining LowCVP
and get involved.
» Government announces Transport Decarbonisation Plan feedback opportunity open until 31 Aug (DfT, Smart Survey)
» Budget investment boost of £33bn a year needed to put UK on path to net zero by 2050 says think-tank (IPPR)
» Treasury Committee - Decarbonisation of the UK economy and green finance inquiry relaunched
» ‘Renewing the Transport System’ – new CfBT report highlights potential for positive change Post-Covid19 (CfBT)
» Innovate UK launches £191m Sustainable Innovation Fund to support clean-tech projects (KTN)
» EU targets 40GW of hydrogen capacity in sweeping new strategy (Europa)
» Plans unveiled for world-leading hydrogen plant in the UK (Climate Action)
» Report reveals 'massive public support for a green recovery' (ippr)
» UK electricity grid's emissions could turn negative by 2033 (The Guardian)
» Greening the post-Covid recovery – EAC call for evidence closes 14 August (Committees.Parliament)
» Transport Action Network permitted to challenge Government road building plans (TransportXtra)
» New model predicts electric vehicle (EV) charging demand (TransportXtra)
» BEV & PHEV registrations Sweden hit almost 25% market share (Electrive)
» Global oil demand, CO2 emissions likely peaked in 2019 says energy consultancy (Reuters)
» Shell predicts $22bn hit for oil and gas assets as BP sells petrochemicals arm (IUEnergy)
» University of Bath to build £70m next generation powertrain research and development centre (Smart Transport)
» Electrification hots up with UK's biggest ever electric van order from British Gas (Energy Live News)
» Volta Trucks and DPD to bring full electric large commercial vehicle delivery services to London (Newspress)
» BMW unveils new 10-year climate plan, vows to slash emissions per vehicle by one-third (edie)
» Peugeot boss urges radical steps to cut price of EVs (FT – paywall)